Broad Horizons has a large number of therapists, from which a wide range of therapeutic services can be offered. Packages of support are carefully tailored to meet the individual or family’s needs in response to referral information or assessment outcomes. Packages include:
Comprehensive Therapeutic Assessment
Individual Therapeutic Assessment
Marschak Interaction Method (MIM)
Types of Therapy:
Trauma Informed Psychotherapy
Regulation & Stabilisation Therapy
Adult Psychotherapy
Eye-Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Play & Creative Therapies
Life Story Processing
Systemic Family Therapy
Couples Therapy
Triadic Simultaneous Parent/Carer & Child Therapy
Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT)
Video Interaction Guidance (VIG)
Group Work
Therapeutic Parenting Support & Programme
Wellbeing & Clinical Supervision
A Variety of Training Packages
Each therapist brings different skill sets to their work meaning that a range of modalities that may be incorporated into the therapy. Broad Horizons aims to grow with our clients needs, meaning that if you have any special requests please do contact us and we will be happy to discuss your requirements and look at making bespoke packages for you.
Local Authorities
We're proud of the positive and effective working relationships we have with Local Authorities spanning over the past 20 years.
Adult Therapy
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School & Education
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Parents & Carers
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Local Authorities
To discuss your individual requirements please call us
01604 645921
Broad Horizons is proud of the positive and effective working relationships we have with Local Authorities spanning over the past 20 years.
As a Local Authority wishing to purchase a service, Broad Horizons aims to tailor make the packages of support to meet the individual need of the client.
There is a strong emphasis on partnership within Broad horizons and regular 6 weekly reviews of the therapy are a standard practice which the Local Authority is keenly welcomed to attend.
All our therapists work to a Social work type model and are experienced at attending any Multi-Agency professional meetings that may occur for the family outside of Broad Horizons that are required.
School & Education
To discuss your individual requirements please call us
01604 645921
Broad Horizons strives to create a positive and effective working relationship with all schools and educational settings that the children and young people in our service attend. There is a strong emphasis on partnership working at Broad Horizons and as such regular 6 weekly reviews of therapy are standard practice and school and educational settings are keenly welcomed to attend. All our therapists work to a Social work type model and are experienced at attending any Multi-Agency professional’s meetings that may occur for the family outside of Broad Horizons that are required.
Broad Horizons offers training to schools in areas such as Attachment, trauma and managing behaviour from a therapeutic viewpoint. Video Interaction Guidance is also offered as a direct intervention for children or professional development for staff.
We are currently offering an "In Schools Counselling" service, where one of our therapists spends an agreed amount of hours at your school per week. Please click here to view our price list and more information.
Parents & Carers
To discuss your individual requirements please call us
01604 645921
At Broad Horizons we pride ourselves on working in partnership with parents and carers. We understand that the decision to enter into therapy is not always easy and that the journey itself can be rocky. It is for this reason that we provide a highly supportive role with parents and carers of children and young people who are on their therapy journey with us. We are acutely aware that the journey to healing and recovery takes more than 50 minutes a week in a therapy room and therefore we are wholly inclusive of parents and carers in the entire process. 6 weekly reviews with parents and carers and other professionals involved with your child are standard practice as is attendance at other multi-agency professional meetings as required. Broad Horizons can also offer Therapeutic parenting sessions to support your understanding of the needs of your child from a therapeutic perspective and also provides the opportunity for you to have some time to share worries and concerns that often go hand in hand with parenting a child that requires professional support of any kind.
To discuss your individual requirements please call us
01604 645921
Broad Horizons has a range of therapists with significant experience in several Psychotherapeutic modalities. Each referral received is reviewed by the Clinical Lead and matching to the most appropriate psychotherapist to meet your individual needs. If you feel your requirements for Therapeutic intervention are short, medium or indeed long-term Psychotherapy then Broad Horizons can accommodate your needs. There is an ongoing review process for all Individual work to ascertain the next steps in therapy progression.
To discuss your individual requirements please call us
01604 645921
Clinical supervision if offered for psychotherapists, counsellors and play therapists. This is an opportunity to explore, either in groups or individually, the efficacy of your practice as a therapist and the impact of the therapeutic relationship on yourself as a practitioner.
Wellbeing Supervision and Case Supervision are also offered to practitioners such as pastoral support education staff, teachers and teaching assistants, social workers, health care professionals and other professionals that work with children young people or families. The supervision is a space to explore issues relating to the individual you support in order to achieve best outcomes for children and families, as well as the impact on yourself as a practitioner. Both will often overlap, however at Broad Horizons we will tailor the focus of the supervision to your needs.
To discuss your individual requirements please call us
01604 645921
Broad Horizons has a team of experienced university lecturers and training facilitators blending teaching and practice knowledge to make highly recommended and sought-after training that has been delivered both nationally and internationally. Our trainings are offered to external professionals such as social workers, teachers, fostering or adoption agencies and education staff, therapists and medical practitioners. We can tailor make a training to meet your organisation's needs or deliver from our extensive range of contemporary pre-existing courses. Our courses include: supporting traumatized children, understanding children's behaviour, Video Interactive Guidance, therapeutic life story work, developing attachment, supporting the system around the child and many more!