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Sarah has worked within Social Care for over 20 years. She spent the first part of her career working within specialised residential units for children and young people within Northamptonshire, both open and secure settings.

Following her time at University completing her first undergraduate Degree in Sports Science in 1996, she further qualified as a social worker in 2002 and gained her Post Graduate and Post Qualifying Award on Social Work- Child Care in 2005.

Since 2002, Sarah has worked in different community-based services working with children, young people and families at all ranges of need and risk level and since 2006 has managed the Video Interaction Guidance Service in Northamptonshire. She qualified as an AVIGUK Accredited guider in 2005 and further as an accredited supervisor and trainer in 2008.

Sarah is also trained in Theraplay having completed Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced training as well as the Marschak Intervention Method ( MIM) Assessment training and incorporates these techniques into her practice.

Sarah is also trained in Neuro- Linguistic Programming (NLP) having completed her Practitioners and Masters Courses in 2014. She has also completed training in Sensory Attachment Intervention and regularly incorporates these skills into her practice. She has a keen interest in holistic and complementary health practices and is an Advanced Reiki Practitioner.

Sarah is also an STA baby and pre-school swimming teacher with a specialism in supporting families with attachment disruptions and post natal –depression through connection in the water.


Sarah offers:

  • Clinical Lead for Broad Horizons team

  • Video Interaction Guidance

  • Supervision for VIG Guiders

  • Training

  • Parent support

  • Consultancy

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