Broad Horizons therapy service Northamptonshire, psychotherapy

Broad Horizons Therapy services Northamptonshire

Trauma informed training therapy Northamptonshire

Broad Horizons therapy service Northamptonshire, psychotherapy
Family Systemic Therapy
9 sessions (3 Initial Engagement sessions) lasting 90 mins, every 3-4 weeks
4.5 Hours of Multi-Agency Review and liaison time
Systemic-relational therapy focuses on family communication and interactions. When working with children, adolescents and young people, the first step of a systemic intervention is to connect the individual issues of the young person to the family situation. The individual problem is considered as a part of the family response to a situation of crisis, and an alliance with the whole family is sought in order to understand the problem and solve it together.
The core aim of this intervention is to generate the conditions for an improvement in family communication and, where feasible, lead to reconciliation among members. The family therapy setting provided by systemic therapy model includes sessions with the whole family along with couple sessions, in order to help parents, enact behaviours that may interrupt the negative loop or interactions.
Who may benefit from this intervention?
Families where it is appropriate for all members of the household to be in therapy together and where there is a commitment to wanting change for everyone’s best interests. Suitable for Birth, Foster and adopted families where there are no ongoing safeguarding concerns.